We will help you to quickly create your next smart device.
We can design for you a beautiful and modern high-definition user interface. Fluid, smooth, responsible and fully customized to your needs and branding.
With the growth of IoT, your products need to talk with more and more different devices. We support all popular standards such as IFTTT, AllJoyn/IoTivity, Nest and, of course, mobile phones.

Our engineers can design good and low-cost hardware solutions to drive nice and smooth 2D/3D user iterfaces. We can design new boards for you or reuse existing ones.
We can design and implement user interfaces for any screen, touch and hardware platform, taking hardware limitations into consideration.
All of our modules can have decidated apps for smart solutions on iOS and Android. Wi-Fi and Bluetooth communications are supported.
Are you ready to work with us? Let's grow your business